Many Gifts One Spirit Collaborates with Canadian Composer R. Murray Schafer

A new music-drama, JoB - A Cosmic Tapestry, based on the Book of Job, is now being created! The premier performances will be on May 14 and 15, 2011, at 8:00 p.m. at Sydenham Street United Church.

An exciting new R. Murray Schafer project at Sydenham Street United Church, Kingston!

Last year, Many Gifts One Spirit produced the music drama "Jonah" with artistic direction by R. Murray Schafer himself. This year, we are excited to be partnering with Murray and his partner Eleanor James in the creation of a new music drama based on the Book of Job.

We are proud to announce that Many Gifts One Spirit has received a $9,000 grant from the City of Kingston Arts Fund, to commission and produce this work.

What is Many Gifts One Spirit?

We are a community-based youth program sponsored by Sydenham Street United Church in Kingston, Ontario. Many Gifts One Spirit presents artistic opportunities for children (ages 4-9) on Sunday mornings, and youth (ages 9-16) on Mondays after school.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I love this quotation by Murray which I have posted at the left. Katharine Smithrim showed it to me two years ago, but I have experienced this in the work of Murray Schafer many times through the years. Schafer (2002) spoke of the purpose of art in a way that surprised me with its extreme language, at the same time explaining logically the practical application of art in every day life.

Schafer’s words evoke states of being that are of mythical proportions. I believe that if I have the courage to engage in my life at this level, every moment could have the potential for exultation. The idea of engaging at this level of intensity on a regular basis may be daunting to most of us because it requires such a strong emotional response. However, to accept this challenge may provide a way to live more fully present to natural responses, aware that strong emotion is manageable, and so free to come and go in one's system.

My personal experience has been that when I have allowed the creative process to unfold freely, the result is always more than I could have imagined. Consequently I have expanded my capacity for joyful living, life becomes more adventurous, and more orderly at the same time.

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