Many Gifts One Spirit Collaborates with Canadian Composer R. Murray Schafer

A new music-drama, JoB - A Cosmic Tapestry, based on the Book of Job, is now being created! The premier performances will be on May 14 and 15, 2011, at 8:00 p.m. at Sydenham Street United Church.

An exciting new R. Murray Schafer project at Sydenham Street United Church, Kingston!

Last year, Many Gifts One Spirit produced the music drama "Jonah" with artistic direction by R. Murray Schafer himself. This year, we are excited to be partnering with Murray and his partner Eleanor James in the creation of a new music drama based on the Book of Job.

We are proud to announce that Many Gifts One Spirit has received a $9,000 grant from the City of Kingston Arts Fund, to commission and produce this work.

What is Many Gifts One Spirit?

We are a community-based youth program sponsored by Sydenham Street United Church in Kingston, Ontario. Many Gifts One Spirit presents artistic opportunities for children (ages 4-9) on Sunday mornings, and youth (ages 9-16) on Mondays after school.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Design of the Poster

The design of the poster (at top left) is based on two concepts that the writing team gave to me - firstly, concentric rings such as are found in mandalas, ripples from a pebble dropped in water, sound waves, etc., and secondly the idea of weaving strands of the story together.  I first created a collage using pieces cut from coloured paper on a black background.  The circular shapes, purposefully a bit off-kilter, were positioned on the background and then the straight pieces were literally woven through them.  Once I had adhered everything to the background, I scanned the collage into my computer and did further manipulating of the colours and shapes with Photoshop until I got the affect I was after.  After that, I added in the text and logos. We will be using this image on posters, cards, t-shirts, etc.  You will be seeing it posted around Kingston starting about mid-April.

1 comment:

  1. This poster is just fantastic! Bravo! I am a fan of Schafer, and this poster encapsulates his music/philosophies so nicely.
